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Le chèque emploi service universel

What is CESU?


CESU is a way of paying for private tutoring at home, legally declaring the person that you’re employing and benefitting from tax reductions. This is a great way of paying for private English lessons.



Benefits of CESU:


  • Receive a 50% tax benefit on your expenditure


  • Simplify administrative procedures


  • Declare the people you employ





  • To be able to pay me with CESU, you just need to join the Centre National des Chèques Emploi Service - CNCESU


  • To do this, you just have register on the website, go to your bank or go to a nearby Urssaf office


  • Then, to pay me, you can give me a CESU voucher with the cost of the lesson(s)



You will find all essential information here:

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